2nd Sava River Basin Management Plan
The 2nd Sava RBMP aims to represent the basis for basin-wide integrated, technically, environmentally, and economically sound and sustainable water management, thus describing the current status within the basin and measures planned to be implemented to meet the set objectives.
The 2nd Sava RBMP comprises an updated information related to general characteristics of the Sava River Basin, assessment of significant anthropogenic pressures on the surface and groundwater resources, compilation of national monitoring networks of surface and groundwater bodies of interest for the basin-wide planning, preliminar inventory of areas protected under EU and national legislations, comprehensive assessment of the ecological status/potential and chemical status of surface water bodies and groundwater bodies' chemical and quantitative status, overview of the environmental/management objectives and the list of existing exemptions for surface and groundwater bodies, water management integration issues, such as navigation, flood risk management, hydropower production, and agricultural sectors development of significant importance for the Sava River Basin, economic analysis of significant uses of water and water services in the transboundary context of the Sava River Basin, program of measures for the next planning cycle in order to specify the activities required to meet the WFD objectives.
The 2nd Sava RBMP comprises an updated information related to general characteristics of the Sava River Basin, assessment of significant anthropogenic pressures on the surface and groundwater resources, compilation of national monitoring networks of surface and groundwater bodies of interest for the basin-wide planning, preliminar inventory of areas protected under EU and national legislations, comprehensive assessment of the ecological status/potential and chemical status of surface water bodies and groundwater bodies' chemical and quantitative status, overview of the environmental/management objectives and the list of existing exemptions for surface and groundwater bodies, water management integration issues, such as navigation, flood risk management, hydropower production, and agricultural sectors development of significant importance for the Sava River Basin, economic analysis of significant uses of water and water services in the transboundary context of the Sava River Basin, program of measures for the next planning cycle in order to specify the activities required to meet the WFD objectives.
Public consultation campaign for the 2nd SRBMP aiming to ensure broad stakeholder involvement and to encourage public participation in the river basin management and planning process was finalized in March 2022. The draft 2nd Sava RBMP is currently under revision in accordance with the comments collected.