Outline of the Sediment Management Plan in the Sava River Basin

Start/End: June 16, 2021 - December 31, 2021

Funded by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe

Main accomplishments

In line with the provision of the Protocol the ISRBC accepted the Program for Development of Sediment Management Plan in the Sava River Basin which provides a list of activities and actions required for the development of the Plan in line with the Protocol. In the Programme it is foreseen that the Plan will be developed through the technical assistance with support of the ISRBC’s Expert Groups. The two main contributions of the Outline of the Sediment Management Plan in the Sava River Basin are:
  • An analysis of sediment management practices in the Sava River Basin.
  • A proposal of a detailed work plan for preparation of the full-fledged Sediment Management Plan.

Documents in attachment

Outline on Sediment Management Plan - Report