Permanent Expert Group for GeoInformation System
Overall objective: to provide assistance, guidance and coordination to all activities of the International Sava River Basin Commission related to the implementation of the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASRB) in the field of water data/information management.
Main tasks
Main tasks
- Participation in development of strategic and planning documents of the Sava Commission,
- Coordination of all tasks, technical work and activities related to operational work and further developments of the Sava River Basin (Geo)Information System (Sava GIS), as well as in implementation and update of the Policy on the exchange and use of Sava GIS data and information (Sava GIS Data Policy),
- Following status and monitor development of the GISs of the Parties, in order to provide recommendation on their adjustment to be able to meet the Sava Commission requirements,
- Assistance in processes of data harmonization of the national datasets considering specific data requirements of the Sava GIS Data Policy and related EU directives with assurance that the information is consistent and of defined quality by implementing metadata,
- Encourage easier integration of existing GISs in Sava region into the Sava GIS through use of open standards, modern IT techniques and guidelines,
- Encourage more widespread use and sharing of geospatial information via use of geospatial web services;
- Coordination of all GIS related activities in the Sava river basin with the relevant activities at the Danube river basin level,
- Assistance in the production of reports and maps required by the Sava Commission PEGs in accordance to their specific tasks;
- Assistance and guidance regarding other Sava Commission systems, such as Sava Hydrologic Information System and Sava Flood Forecasting and Warning System;
- Participation in preparation and implementation of the GIS related projects,
- Preparation, as appropriate, of project proposals in support of its tasks,
- Providing input and guidance to the permanent and ad hoc expert groups needed to fulfil their mandates in relation to GIS,
- Identification and proposing eligible executors of certain GIS related activities (could be either PEG GIS itself or external partner) if not in conflict with the Sava Commission rules regulating such issues,
- Proposing to the Sava Commission establishment of time-limited task groups, as and when required, to address specific issues and steer the work of any task group established on the basis of its proposal,
- Exercise other tasks and duties particularly entrusted by the Sava Commission.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: |
Hajrudin Mičivoda, member Nebojša Nikolić, member Milorad Božić, member Nikola Ristić, member Maja Radić, deputy member |
Republic of Croatia: |
Sandra Šturlan Popović, member Tijana Rosandić, deputy member |
Republic of Serbia: |
Merita Borota, member Zoran Vučković, member Milan Njegomir, member Aleksandar Drobnjak, deputy member Ljubica Simanić, deputy member Milica Prelić, national expert Darko Jaramaz, national expert |
Republic of Slovenia: |
Blaž Pokeršnik, member Primož Kogovšek, deputy member Maja Kregar, deputy member |
Chair: Nikola Cvjetković, the Sava Commission Secretariat
Deputy Chair: Duško Isaković, the Sava Commission Secretariat