Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community based Resilience

Start/End: June 01, 2019 - May 31, 2023

Funded by: Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme

Main accomplishments:
  • Cultural and historical heritage sites (archaeological, architectural, sacral, memorial and garden architectural, urban, cultural landscape, historical landscape, other) located within flood prone areas have been mapped in five riparian countries.
  • Spatial and attribute data for more than 1.200 heritage assets endangered by floods and about 750 flood events have been collected, harmonized and stored into the common information platform of the Sava River Basin: the Sava GIS.
  • Existing Sava GIS Geoportal and related web-based tools for processing, managing, creating, and supporting service-based data exchange have been improved.
  • Networking between relevant authorities, from six riparian countries of the Sava River Basin, responsible for the cultural heritage, flood management, emergency responders and civil protection have been established.
    • the Expert Task Group, consisting of officially nominated members from 16 responsible institutions from five riparian countries, has been established to follow-up the SHELTER project implementation and as a basis for the post-project collaboration of the relevant institutions.
    • built capacity and increased knowledge sharing between the different experts of the Sava River Basin through seven stakeholders workshops, many Expert Task Group meetings, several peer learning webinars, and a study tour for the Expert Task Group to The Netherlands.
    • the Sava Youth Parliament, platform for the younger generation living in the Sava River Basin to have their voices heard, supported. The 9th edition of the Sava Youth Parliament brought together students from eight schools in four riparian countries to discuss the topic ‘Let’s protect our cultural heritage’.
  • Contributed to many specific project tasks in achievement of the overall project objective and establishment of the SHELTER Operative Knowledge Framework.
    • update of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
    • mapping of governance structure through the Organigraph
    • development of the Shelter tools under:
      • Resilience Dashboard
      • Risk Management tools
      • Decision Support System
      • Risk Assessment
      • Rapid Damage Assessment
      • IoT module
      • Chatbot module