Meetings of expert groups

Training of PIAC staff

Training on Accident Emergency Warning System (AEWS) will be organized on April 30, 2011 at the premise of the ISRBC for the representatives of Principal International Alert Centers (PIAC) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. The main purpose of the training is the capacity building of the PIAC staff in functioning of the AEWS. It will be led by the ISRBC and International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR).
In scope of the project “Reducing Transboundary Pollution Risks within the Drina River Basin” which is led by Regional Environmental Center (REC), the representatives from Montenegro, where the national PIAC has not been established yet, will participate as well.
Start 30.03.2011.
End 30.03.2011.