International Sava River Basin Commission
About us
Sava River Basin
Relief and hydrography
Climate and hydrology
History of cooperation
Legal basis
Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin
Protocols to the FASRB
Mandate and responsibilities
Integrated water management
Structure and functioning
Parties to the FASRB
Sava Commission
Expert Groups
Water Management
River Basin Management
Sediment Management
Flood Management
Accident Prevention and Control
Restoration and development of the Sava River waterway
Navigation safety and related technical standards
River Information Services
Cross-cutting Issues
Information Management
Hydrological and Meteorological Issues
Climate Change
Hydrologic and hydraulic models
Development Issues
Joint Plan of Actions
Tourism Development
Sava and Drina Integrated Development Program
Stakeholders Involvement
Contract Award Notices
Calendar of Events
Meetings of the Parties
Sessions of the Sava Commission
Meetings of the Expert Groups
Other Events
Documents and publications
Basic documents
Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin
Protocol on Navigation Regime
Protocol on Flood Protection
Protocol on Prevention of Water Pollution caused by Navigation
Protocol on Sediment Management
Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Sava Commission and Montenegro
Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Sava Commission and the Danube Commission
Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation and coordination between the Sava Commission and ICPDR
Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Sava Commission and the World Meteorological Organization
Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation concerning regular functioning and maintenance of the Flood Forecasting and Warning System in the Sava River Basin
Joint Statement on the Joint Plan of Actions for the Sava River Basin
Joint Statement on guiding principles for the development of inland navigation and environmental protection in the Danube River Basin
Joint Statement on regional cooperation of sustainable tourism in the Sava River Basin
Policy on the exchange of hydrological and meteorological data and information in the Sava River Basin
Policy on the exchange and use of Sava GIS data and information
Joint Plan of Actions for the Sava River Basin
Strategy on FASRB implementation
Action Plan for the Period 2011-2015
Strategy on Geographic Information System
Seat Agreement
Rules of procedure of the Sava Commission
Financial rules of the Sava Commission
Rules of procurement procedures
Water management
2nd Sava River Basin Management Plan
Sava Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment - Update 2021
Outline on Sediment Management Plan in the Sava River Basin
Sava Flood Risk Management Plan
Significant Water Management Issues
Updated Sava River Basin Analysis
Sava River Basin Management Plan
Sava Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
Sava River Basin Analysis Report
Manual on the Sava river navigation (Edition 2018)
Album of Bridges on the Sava river
Manual on Inland Waterway Maintenance
Indicator of the Sava river kilometres
Rules for waterway marking
Manual on the radiotelephone service
Navigation rules on the Sava River Basin
Technical and project reports
Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community based Resilience
Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin - WACOM
Outline of the Sediment Management Plan in the Sava River Basin
Improvement of Joint Actions in Flood Management in the Sava River Basin
Establishement of the Hydrological Information System of the Sava River Basin - Sava HIS
Outline of the Climate Adaptation Strategy
Towards the assessment of ecological status of water bodies in the Sava River Basin - STAWA
Support to the International Sava River Basin Commission in the development of the Sava Geographic Information System - Sava GIS
2nd phase of the U.S. Government support to the Sava countries
Towards Practical Guidance for Sustainable Sediment Management using the Sava River Basin as a Showcase: Proposal of the Establishment of the Sediment Monitoring System for the Sava River Basin
Water and Climate Adaptation Plan for the Sava River Basin - WATCAP
Pilot project on climate change: Building the link between Flood Risk Management planning and climate change assessment in the Sava River Basin
Towards Practical Guidance for Sustainable Sediment Management using the Sava River Basin as a Showcase: Estimation of Sediment Balance for the Sava River
Detail Design and Prototype instalation for the River Information System on the Sava River
Preparation of Implementing Documents for Establishment of the Sava GIS
Feasibility Study and Project Documentation for the Rehabilitation and Development of Transport and Navigation on the Sava River Waterway
Pre-Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and Development of the Sava River Waterway
Hydrological Yearbooks
Hydrological Yearbook 2020
Hydrological Yearbook 2019
Hydrological Yearbook 2018
Hydrological Yearbook 2017
Hydrological Yearbook 2016
Hydrological Yearbook 2015
Hydrological Yearbook 2014
Hydrological Yearbook 2013
Hydrological Yearbook 2012
Hydrological Yearbook 2011
Hydrological Yearbook 2010
Hydrological Yearbook 2009
Hydrological Yearbook 2008
Hydrological Yearbook 2007
Hydrological Yearbook 2006
Other publications
Proceedings on linking warning to emergency
Proceedings on flood risk management measures
Report on Floods in May 2014
Transboundary Ecotourism Guidelines
Estimation of Sediment Balance
Basic information about statistical data for 2023
Sava nautical and tourist guide
Photo gallery
Photo Contest 2023
Video gallery
Sava and Scheldt Youth parliament Cooperation - Study Trip to Belgium in September 2022
Plastic Pirates- Go Europe!
Sava Day 2021: Installation of high water marks
Sava Cycling Tour 2015
The Sava Cycling Tour 2013
Nautical - Scientific Voyage of the Ship ARGUS on the Sava River from Jamena to Belgrade in 2006 (Part I)
Nautical - Scientific Voyage of the Ship ARGUS on the Sava River from Jamena to Belgrade in 2006 (Part II)
Nautical - Scientific Voyage of the Ship ARGUS on the Sava River from Jamena to Belgrade in 2006 (Part III)
Informative and educational movie "On the Sava, with the Sava, for the Sava River"
Short promotional movie on the protection of the Ljubljanica river "mojareka.si"
Sava NewsFlash
SAVANewsFlash No.23
SAVANewsFlash No.22
SAVANewsFlash No.21
SAVANewsFlash No.20
SAVANewsFlash No.19
SAVANewsFlash No.18
SAVANewsFlash No.17
SAVANewsFlash No.16
SAVANewsFlash No.15
SAVANewsFlash No.14
SAVANewsFlash No.13
SAVANewsFlash No.12
SAVANewsFlash No.11
SAVANewsFlash No.10
SAVANewsFlash No.9
SAVANewsFlash No.8
SAVANewsFlash No.7
SAVANewsFlash No.6
SAVANewsFlash No.5
SAVANewsFlash No.4
SAVANewsFlash No.3
Brochures and leaflets
Promotion of sustainable water management
Sava GIS
Transboundary cooperation
Feasibility study on navigation
63rd Session of the Sava Commission
Eight Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
Sixth Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
6th Stakeholder Workshop within the SHELTER project
Sava Day 2022 in the Republic of Serbia
The celebration of the Sava day 2022, 1st of June 2022
60th Session of the Sava Commission
Study Trip of Sava Youth Parliament members to Belgium
SDIP - Grant agreement signed
Memorandum of Understanding with WMO: Signed
Ninth Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
61st Session of the Sava Commission
Ninth Meeting of the Parties to the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin
7th Stakeholder Workshop within the SHELTER project
62nd Session of the Sava Commission
25th Meeting of PEG NAV
47th PEG FP meeting
46th PEG FP meeting
49th PEG RBM meeting
48th PEG RBM meeting
World Water Day 2023
11th Sava River Basin Youth Parliament - Webinar on NBS
Study visit to ISRBC - Republic of Iraq delegation
Request for Expression of Interest: Procurement Specialist (finished)
63rd Session of the Sava Commission
Joint Statement follow-up meeting
Celebration of the Sava Day- 1st of June, Save the date
Celebration of the Sava Day - 1st of June 2023
The Republic of Serbia took over the three-year presidency of the Sava Commission from the Republic of Croatia
14th follow-up meeting on the Joint Statement
11th Sava Youth Parliament - "Let's work with nature!"
64th Session of the Sava Commission
Procurement Notice - IT equipment for the needs of the Sava Commission (finished)
65th Session of the Sava Commission
Capacity Building Workshop on Hydrological Data Exchange, Standardization and Interoperability
Request for Expression of Interest: Design of a Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Sava River Basin (finished)
President of the Sava Youth Parliament attended the UN Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
Competition for secondary schools and youth 2024
Procurement Notice - Upgrade of the ISRBC ICT Infrastructure Part I – servers and network equipment (finished)
Request for Expression of Interest: Technical Assistance for the improvement, extension and operationalization of flood and low-flow forecasting and warning (finished)
Celebration of the Sava Day - 3rd of June, Save the date
66th Session of the Sava Commission
“Strengthening the climate resilience of the Sava River basin”- event organized by Slovenia, 5th of June 2024
Request for Expression of Interest: Study on Sediment, Water and Biota in the Sava River Basin (finished)
Request for Expression of Interest: Hydrological Study for the Sava River Basin (finished)
67th Session of the Sava Commission
The fifteenth consecutive meeting of captains from the Sava River Basin
68th Session of the Sava Commission
Request for Expression of Interest: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Sava River Basin
Seventh Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
Third Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
Second Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
First Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB
The celebration of the Sava Day – June 3, 2024
Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Sava River Basin – Project Kick-Off meeting
63rd Session of the Sava Commission
The 63rd Session of the Sava Commission was held on June 27-28, 2023 in Zagreb at the premises of the Sava Commission.
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