Navigation safety and related technical standards
Navigation safety includes the basic conditions waterways and ports must comply with, inland waterway vessels, inland waterway crews, and inland waterway navigation. Considering the provisions of the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin, as well as the Protocol on Navigation Regime to the Framework Agreement, improvement of navigation safety through harmonization of rules and related technical standards along with the preparation of navigation manuals are important ongoing activities of the International Sava River Basin Commission (Sava Commission).
The Sava Commission in accordance with its competencies and proposals made by the Permanent Expert Group for Navigation (PEG NAV), adopts appropriate decisions in the field of navigation safety. All Sava Commission decisions in this field are legally binding to all Parties.
The Sava Commission in accordance with its competencies and proposals made by the Permanent Expert Group for Navigation (PEG NAV), adopts appropriate decisions in the field of navigation safety. All Sava Commission decisions in this field are legally binding to all Parties.
The decisions of the Sava Commission relate to the Navigation rules, Rules for the navigation personnel, Rules for radiotelephone service, Definition of winter ports and winter shelters and Adoption of rules and plans for waterway marking and maintenance.
In order to improve navigation safety through harmonization of rules and relevant technical standards, the Sava Commission cooperates intensively with the EU, the Danube Commission (DC), and the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), while the cooperation on the harmonization of navigation rules is particularly significant as well. The Sava Commission also participates in the work of the European committee for drawing up standards in the field of inland navigation (CESNI) and its expert groups.
The Sava Commission developed a web application for the preparation of the Sava River Waterway Marking Plan and the web application for support to national bodies responsible for the navigation safety inspection, as web services used by the relevant national authorities, Album of the Bridges on the Sava River Basin and the Indicator of River Kilometers for the Sava and its Navigable Tributaries.