Parties to the FASRB
The four coutries sharing the Sava River Basin are contracting Parties to the Framework Agreement to the Sava River Basin (FASRB) and members of the International Sava River Basin Commission (Sava Commission):
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Republic of Croatia
- Republic of Serbia
- Republic of Slovenia.
The Parties implement the FASRB and continuously monitor the progress through the Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB, reconfirming joint interests in cooperation among the Sava countries and enhancing the active collaboration with international community.

Photo: 8th Meeting of the Parties – Sarajevo, October 24, 2019
The Meeting of the Parties is foreseen to be held at least once every two years with the aim to review the work and actions of the Sava Commission, make decisions based on proposals and recommendations of the Sava Commission, consider and adopt proposals of new protocols and amendments to the FASRB, and consider and undertake any additional actions that may be required for fulfillment of purposes of the FASRB.