Permanent Expert Group for Flood Prevention

Overall objective: to provide assistance, guidance and coordination to all activities of the International Sava River Basin Commission related to the implementation of the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASRB) in the field of flood management.

Main tasks
  • Participation in development of strategic and planning documents of the Sava Commission
  • Coordination of all tasks related to implementation of the Protocol on Flood protection to the FASRB and in accordance to the Floods Directive (FD) at the basin-wide level, particularly in development and upgrade of the Sava Flood Risk Management Plan and associated Summary of Measures
  • Providing inputs and assistance in expert issues to the Sava Commission related to coordination of operational work and further developments of the Sava Flood Forecasting and Warning System
  • Coordination of all flood related activities in the Sava river basin with the relevant activities at the Danube river basin level
  • Participation in preparation and implementation of the flood risk management related projects
  • Preparation, as appropriate, of project proposals in support of its tasks
  • Participation in preparation of protocols
  • Participation in activities required for establishment, upgrade and maintenance of the Sava Commission information systems and related data exchange
  • Providing input and guidance to the permanent and ad hoc expert groups needed to fulfil their mandates in relation to the flood risk management
  • Proposing to the Sava Commission establishment of time-limited task groups, as and when required, to address specific issues and steer the work of any task group established on the basis of its proposal
  • Coordination of all other activities foreseen by the Protocol that are not specified above
  • Exercise other tasks and duties particularly entrusted by the Sava Commission
Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Almir Bajramlić, institution, member
David Latinović, institution, member
Ozren Đurić, institution, member

Senad Imamović, institution, member
Mirsad Hasanbašić,
Milisav Stanišić,
institutiondeputy member
Amer Kavazović, 
institutiondeputy member
Republic of Croatia:

Danko Biondić, institution, member
Sanda Buconjić Kolarić, institution, deputy member

Darko Barbalić, institutiondeputy member
Luka Vukmanić, institutiondeputy member
Sandra Sokolić, institution, deputy member
Miro Macan, institutiondeputy member
Republic of Serbia:

Merita Borota, institution, member
Vladimir Beljinac, institution, member
Igor Milutin, institutionmember
Branko Čanković, institution, deputy member
Vladislav Kecović, institution, deputy member
Tijana Petrović, institution, deputy member
Lena Marinović, institution, deputy member

Zvonko Matin, institution, deputy member
Republic of Slovenia:

Luka  Štravs, institutionmember
Mateja Ribnikar, institutiondeputy member
Blažo Đurović, institutiondeputy member

Chair: Mirza Sarač, the Sava Commission Secretariat