Sava River Basin Management Plan
Sava RBMP was developed with the EU support provided through “Technical assistance in the preparation and implementation of the Sava River Basin Management Plan”.
The Parties to the FASRB approved this Sava RBMP at their Fifth Meeting held in Zagreb (Republic of Croatia) on December 2, 2014.
The main strength of the Sava RBMP is that it has managed to closely match the requirements of the EU WFD and address all significant water management issues of the basin-wide importance, while establishing integrative principles for water management, and containing joint Programe of Measures for the Sava River Basin.
Sava RBMP is available for download, in all official languages of the Parties to the FASRB, as well as in English and Montenegrin.
More details on specific issues raised in the Sava RBMP or methodologies used can be found in the background documents.
The Parties to the FASRB approved this Sava RBMP at their Fifth Meeting held in Zagreb (Republic of Croatia) on December 2, 2014.
The main strength of the Sava RBMP is that it has managed to closely match the requirements of the EU WFD and address all significant water management issues of the basin-wide importance, while establishing integrative principles for water management, and containing joint Programe of Measures for the Sava River Basin.
Sava RBMP is available for download, in all official languages of the Parties to the FASRB, as well as in English and Montenegrin.
More details on specific issues raised in the Sava RBMP or methodologies used can be found in the background documents.
Documents in attachment
River Basin Management Plan in the Sava River Basin
Background documents
Summary of the public participation