Permanent Expert Group for River Basin Management

Overall objective: to provide assistance, guidance and coordination to all activities of the International Sava River Basin Commission related to the implementation of the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASRB) in the field of river basin management (RBM).

Main tasks
  • Participation  in  development  of  strategic and  planning  documents  of the Sava Commission,  
  • Coordination   of   all   tasks   related   to   Water   Framework   Directive   (WFD)   implementation at the basin-wide level, particularly in development and upgrade of  the  Sava  River  Basin  Management  Plan  and associated  Programme  of  Measures, 
  • Coordination  of  activities  in  the  Sava  river  basin  with  the  relevant  WFD  implementation activities at the Danube river basin level,   
  • Participation in preparation and implementation of RBM related projects, 
  • Preparation, as appropriate, of project proposals in support of its tasks, 
  • Participation in preparation of protocols,  
  • Participation in activities required for establishment, upgrade and maintenance of   the Sava Commission information systems and related data exchange,   
  • Providing input and guidance to the permanent and ad hoc expert groups needed to fulfill their mandates in relation to RBM,  
  • Proposing to the Sava Commission establishment of time-limited task groups, as and when required, to address specific issues and steer the work of any task group established on the basis of its proposal, 
  • Exercise other tasks and duties particularly entrusted by the Sava Commission. 
Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Đanita Karkin, member
Violeta Janković, member
Mladen Rogić, member

Amina Hasečić, deputy member
Republic of Croatia:

Damir Tomas, member
Darko Barbalić, deputy member
Ivan Pavković, deputy member
Miro Macan, deputy member

Jelena Pinezić Malbaša, deputy member
Republic of Serbia:

Gordana Špegar, member
Nataša Milić, member
Milić Bunčić, member
Nevena Antanasijević, deputy member
Danilo Mišić, deputy member
Nikola Đorđević, deputy member
Nevenka Nikolić, deputy member
Aleksandra Drobac, national expert
Snežana Čađo, national expert
Republic of Slovenia:

Robert Grnjak, member
Urška Kušar, member

Tanja Mohorko, deputy member
Neža Kodre, deputy member

Chair: Jovana Rašeta Bastić, the Sava Commission Secretariat
Deputy Chair: Samo Grošelj, the Sava Commission Secretariat