Ad-hoc RIS EG

Ad-hoc Expert Group for River Information System 

Overall objective: to support the Permanent Expert Group for Navigation (PEG NAV) and to provide assistance, guidance and coordination of the International Sava River Basin Commission (Sava Commission) activities related to River Information Services (RIS), as well as encouraging and supporting RIS deployment and promotion in the Sava region.

Main tasks
  • Preparation of the documents for adoption (technical documentation and standards)
  • Identification of RIS services to be implemented on the Sava river
  • Preparation of RIS-related decisions to be adopted by the Sava Commission
  • Preparation of implementation plans (including the time schedule) in relation to obligation of the member states to introduce RIS
  • Creation of reports about the RIS deployment on the Sava river (RIS implementation status, operations and development), including lessons learned from the Sava basin countries, where RIS is already in operation on other inland waterways
  • Support to the Secretariat of the Sava Commission in participation and communication with other international organizations on the RIS Agenda (e.g. GIS Forum, Danube Commission, etc.)
  • To cooperate with other PEGs or ad hoc EGs in common matters and initiate and organize joint meetings if necessary
  • To report to the Sava Commission  on progress of the group, present recommendations and proposals
  • To exercise other tasks and duties particularly entrusted by the Sava Commission
Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Irida Varatanović, member
Marina Simikić, member
Mladen Rogić, member
Republic of Croatia: Rade Gicić, member
Republic of Serbia: Ljubiša Mihajlović, member
Republic of Slovenia: Izidor Jug, member
