Establishing an international navigation regime on the Sava River and its tributaries, which entails establishing conditions for safe navigation on the Sava River and its tributaries, is one of the main objectives of the Framework Agreement to the Sava River Basin (FASRB) and the International Sava River Basin Commission (Sava Commission). After the FASRB had entered into force, the Sava River became open for international navigation, which means that navigation on the Sava River is free for trade vessels of all states.
Regarding the objective, the Sava Commission continuously performs intensive activities to remove the existing obstacles for the sustainable development of navigation. In addition, the Sava Countries has identified the rehabilitation and development of the waterway infrastructure and the unique system of regulations for navigation safety as their main priorities in the field of navigation.
These activities include, inter alia:
- adoption of the plan for marking, maintenance and development of navigable waterways;
- adoption of the unified rules of navigation, taking into account the specific conditions of certain parts of the navigable waterways;
- adoption of the technical rules concerning inland navigation vessels and rules on navigation personnel;
- establishment of the River Information Services;
- coordination of the activities for the rehabilitation and development of the Sava River waterway.
Furthermore, together with the Parties, continuous efforts are being made by the Sava Commission in order to secure funding for projects which would improve navigation conditions on the Sava River and thus achieve the agreed objectives from the cooperation priority areas.