Sava River Basin Management Planning
Development of the joint or co-ordinated Sava River Basin Management Plan (Sava RBMP) is required by the Article 12 of the Framework Agreement to the Sava River Basin (FASRB) and represents the most important prerequisite in reaching one of its ultimate goals - the establishment of sustainable water management in the Sava River Basin. Following the provision of the FASRB and requirements of the Water Framework Directive (60/2000/EC), the International Sava River Basin Commission coordinates development of the Sava RBMPs addressing issues of the basin-wide importance, based on available data, best knowledge and information from the national River Basin Management Plans, and/or water management strategic and planning documents provided by the Parties, respecting socio-economic and political differences between the Sava River Basin countries and their different status regarding the EU membership.
Sava RBMPs, and its development through preparation of the Sava River Basin Analysis, definition and elaboration of the significant water management issues and Programe of measures with ensured and encouraged public participation in all development phases, aim to enhance basin wide policy framework for prevention of further deterioration or/and improvement of the status of all waters and protected area, by facilitating knowledge, best practices and information sharing and strengthening the basin wide collaboration, towards long-term and sustainable use of the water resources.
Sava RBMPs, and its development through preparation of the Sava River Basin Analysis, definition and elaboration of the significant water management issues and Programe of measures with ensured and encouraged public participation in all development phases, aim to enhance basin wide policy framework for prevention of further deterioration or/and improvement of the status of all waters and protected area, by facilitating knowledge, best practices and information sharing and strengthening the basin wide collaboration, towards long-term and sustainable use of the water resources.