River Basin Management Plan

Following the provision of the Framework Agreement to the Sava River Basin (FASRB), the Parties agreed to cooperate on the development of the Sava River Basin Management Plan (Sava RBMP) and to ensure coordination with activities on the Danube River Basin level. In the Sava RBMPs important water management issues are elaborated following the approach established on the Danube River Basin level with the increased level of details.

In the Sava RBMPs, water management issues are analysed on the surface and ground water bodies that are considered of the basin wide importance in accordance with the criteria:
  • surface water bodies on the Sava River and its tributaries with a catchment size >1,000 km2 and on the rivers defined as of a basin-wide importance (Sotla/Sutla, Lašva and Tinja; area <1,000 km²)
  • trans-boundary and national groundwater bodies which are important due to the size of the groundwater body (area >1,000 km²), or for those < 1,000 km² trans-boundary groundwater bodies which are important due to various other criteria, e.g. socio-economic importance, significant uses, impacts, pressures, and/or interaction with aquatic eco-system.

Following the approval of the Sava RBMP at the 5th Meeting of the Parties (Zagreb, December 2, 2014), activities of the second river basin management planning cycle started in 2016.

Preparation of the Sava RBMP is aimed at linking river basin management with the integrated and sustainable socio economic development of the riparian countries. Update of the Sava RBMP following the outline of the Sava RBMP, is based on data, knowledge and information provided in the 2nd  Sava River Basin Analysis Report and the Interim Overview of the Significant Water Management Issues. Development of the second Sava RBMP is carried out on the expert level, through the work of the Premanent expert group for River Basin Management and the Premanent expert group for GIS

The Parties to the FASRB approved the 2nd Sava River Basin Management Plan at their 9th Meeting of the Parties held in Zagreb (Republic of Croatia) on December 9, 2022.